👋Hello, I am

Michelle Terrazas

Front-end developer based in Japan

Contact me

My featured projects shown below! ❤️

Weather Project (Vanilla JavaScript, one-day forecast)

My first ever project made with vanilla Javascript! It's a weather app that can detect your current location (with your permission) and the temperature can be toggled between Fahrenheit and Celsius.

Check It Out!

Weather Project (React.js, 7-day forecast)

My second ever project, first project made with React.js! It's a weather app with a seven-day weather forecast and animations for the weather icons.

Check It Out!

Dictionary Project

My favorite project. It's a dictionary made with React.js. You can search for a word in the dictionary and hear voice clips and see images related to that word.

Check It Out!

✌️ This website was coded by Michelle Terrazas, and is open-sourced